Sunday, March 14, 2010

Women's Reservation Bill : AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME !!!

Kanshi Ram, Known for engineering one of the Biggest Social Revolutions in Free India once said " Reservation is just like crutches to a Lame Man... It is great when he is walking and that much worse when he begins to run !!! ". Which ever side of the debate you are one thing for sure you would agree to the fact that India needs much diverse representation in all forms and any such move in any form should be welcome.

Though I have always been a staunch opposition to Reservation based on caste and creed I have maintained that Reservation on the Basis of Economic Criteria and Gender makes sense. An economic reservation in any form helps out the underprivileged class, it appeals to the people who are in need of that and is for social justice. Reservation based on Religious as well as Caste Lines are divisive and have been seen as creating differences in between the people who get it and those who do not, The Haves and Haves Not.

But this one is different, Against the very concept of Reservation it actually unites all and is seen a great Unifier. Rather than creating the sense of disparity between the people it affects each and every family because every family has a WOMAN. The intention is honest, The idea justified. Needless to say it has the Political Will also for the First Time in a decade or so. This Bill is well inclusive and should be trend setter for more Social Reforms long over due.

The Opponents of the Bill always have that rather than bill Political Parties should be asked to field more Women Candidates. Sorry, the idea does not hold good to me... If this becomes the law Lalu Prasad will field Women's candidates in Tamil Nadu and Mulayam Singh will field Samajwadi Party Women Candidates from Tripura... It will never work...

Again the opponents of Women's Bill says that the parties will field proxy candidates and we will see more of Wives, Daughters and Daughter's in Law entering political space. Well that has been the case since Independence in India or rather Sub Continent for that matter so we might as well live with the fact and try to think of eradicating that menace some other day.

Also the idea of Sub Quota does not appeal for the very fact that it does not stop Political Parties from fielding them in case they feel... At present Sub Quota Groups have the higher representation in the Lok Sabha... There is no argument that this Bill will be counter to their interests.

There is no doubt in my mind that India is still a very Gender Biased Country and this bill will be definitely a small step in changing that scenario. It is the need of the hour and AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME !!!

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