So what according to you has made the Headlines in the last month or so in your Morning Newspapers or Evening News Flicks... Is it IPL Drama or The Lalit Modi Tweet... Is it UPA One Year in Office or the Horrific Air Tragedy in Mangalore... Chances are neither any of that not Even Vishy Anand's Historic Feat would have captured your attention so much as much as the Dantewada Massacre and the Latest Killing of 150 odd people in the Train Accident allegedly purported by Maoist.
By no means I do support horrific killing and the Naxal Violence but it is critical to note why does this happens and what is the root cause... Farmers forcefully getting deprived of their arable land for stupid Industrialisation Process, Local Police and Security Forces acting as goons and raping villagers and tribals, No Job opportunities for Locals and Economic Disparity are some of the common reasons. You can add to that Local Level Political Links with Maoists but what exactly is the root cause of Naxalism and why are they doing this off so suddenly.
Naxal Violence in India is about 40 year old and its main concern is exploitation of poor by rich in the country. The governments have done nothing to lessen exploitations in these 40 years but to solve the problem, have labeled these people as terrorists to satisfy themselves as performers. These armed personnel working against the state are called 'terrorists' by the state while they call themselves as 'revolutionaries'. They are revolutionaries or terrorists matters little in the light of what is the net result and what is the cause thereof.
Exploitation of one human-being by another is inhuman, particularly when the exploited is weak and helpless. Before independence, Indian masses were exploited by the British rulers to serve their ends and the Indian psyche was tuned to that exploitation. Later, under diametrically opposite leaderships of Gandhi and Bose, freedom struggle came to be successful winning India her precious freedom. People expected end of their exploitation by rulers of the country.
The Problem started when none of the two survived to take the mantle of free India. Nehru took over reins of power and shared it with pro-British princely families of the British period, thus nullifying gains of freedom to the country. In the so-called democratic elections, votes of the poor masses are purchased, and in return they are being deprived of even basic health-care, education, justice, and other facilities of humane living. Their hard-earned livelihood money is siphoned back to accounts of ruling politicians through a highly corrupt bureaucracy to keep them poor and illiterate for ever. But still there is a change in spectrum of exploiters.
In British India, British government exploited India as a whole for wealth through landlords appointed by the government. In turn, the landlords exploited the poor masses to serve their interests along with those of the British government. Thus, the number of exploiters of the masses was hardly 1 percent of the total population who lead lavish lifestyles. In free India, ruling politicians share their power of exploitation of the masses with government employees. Thus, politicians and administrators make a formidable team of exploiters of the masses. This population of exploiters make about 15 percent of the total population of the country. This is the root cause of discontentment of masses. As a result, 85 percent of country's wealth has reached in hands of 15 percent population of India. Classic Pareto for sure but I am not too sure whether this is good or not. Since this population of exploiters has evolved from the masses itself, average lifestyle of the people is improved, giving an impression that India is making economic progress after freedom.
India has been a slave country for about 2,000 years making Indian psyche submissive to oppressions. This has been preventing a bloody mass-revolution of French Revolution type, while condition of masses in India today is much worse than that in France at the time of bloody revolution. But all are not of that submissive nature and a few dare to raise their voices and arms against the exploitation. This is genesis of Naxalite movement of India.
The Famous Chalta Hain Attitude and Submissive Nature is the root cause of the most of the ills plaguing Indian Society. Individuals should rise above "Their Own Good" and should start looking for "Common Good". Individuals Should voice their opinions on matters of national interest more than the Friday Blockbuster or the Last Night Cricket Match and make themselves heard at every possible forum. And more importantly, perhaps critically important that not only you vote next time but also make people near you vote in elections.
Trust Me it helps !!! It Surely Does !!!
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