I believe in Miracles. In Science. In Fiction. In Angels. In Fairies. In Magic. In Misty Mornings. In Pleasant Evenings.In Dense Forests. In Deep Sea. In Mystical Chanting. In Ghostly Silence. In almost everything.....I do believe in Miracles.
As a child, I would fall a asleep hoping that when I wake up I would be lucky enough to watch the fairies polishing the leaves and watering buds with dew every morning. After all this exactly what my mommy use to say night after night every night. Of course I have never been a morning person and thus never did catch a sight of them doing that stuff but that did not make me believe any less in them.
I would also imagine as I lay in my bed that the angels whispered to me about sweet dreams and more often that not I would sleep safe in the knowledge that they watched me as I slept.
I have grown up quite some time since then but I still believe in impossible about things that lies beyond our ken and things that are beyond the realm of our imaginations.
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